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The plot produced is surface concentration vs catalyst pellet radius. What do \ you notice happen to the surface concentration as pellet radius decreases? What does \ that mean for the concentration at the center of the pellet? Further, what happens to the overall reaction rate \ if you decrease the rate constant? \ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.775572229377287*^9, 3.77557223477183*^9}, { 3.7789420966253147`*^9, 3.778942222649144*^9}, {3.778942263557487*^9, 3.778942313860713*^9}, {3.778942344993539*^9, 3.7789423490985622`*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"31ece13c-8e25-4c37-a16e-\ 518ae7f437ea"] }, WindowSize->{1270, 855}, WindowMargins->{{Automatic, -377}, {Automatic, 0}}, FrontEndVersion->"12.0 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (April 8, 2019)", StyleDefinitions->"Default.nb" ] (* End of Notebook Content *) (* Internal cache information *) (*CellTagsOutline CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*CellTagsIndex CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*NotebookFileOutline Notebook[{ Cell[558, 20, 860, 21, 19, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"f2920c52-931c-4ac0-bf62-85c9b6b91481", CellOpen->False], Cell[1421, 43, 3642, 100, 19, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"b9b78d1a-c1a5-4d1c-8193-8eefb4db18b4", CellOpen->False, InitializationCell->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[5088, 147, 11117, 271, 19, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"e91599c3-c14e-4f58-a605-d2145840fbce", CellOpen->False, InitializationCell->True], Cell[16208, 420, 7240, 152, 535, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"98d0ae25-8823-4955-806f-ef66070771a9"] }, Open ]], Cell[23463, 575, 179, 2, 30, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"92655694-a10f-4a1d-a179-fa3fb47ffb5a"], Cell[23645, 579, 171, 2, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8f63348b-d317-41cc-b48c-907da4892b16"], Cell[23819, 583, 639, 14, 127, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"31ece13c-8e25-4c37-a16e-518ae7f437ea"] } ] *)